medical students in saudi arabia

Leadership Excellence in Healthcare Management

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74 SREstimated Price

SCHSSaudi Commission for Health Specialties

6 continuing medical education hours


National e-learning center logo
6 CMEOnlineCertificateLectureEnglishالعربية

Event content


Welcome to the Leadership Excellence in Healthcare Management course. In the dynamic and complex world of healthcare, effective leadership is essential for driving organizational success, fostering innovation, and ultimately improving patient outcomes. This course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to excel in leadership roles within healthcare management ,Leadership excellence in healthcare management encompasses a wide range of competencies, including strategic planning, team building, communication, and change management. Through this course, participants will explore key principles and strategies for effective leadership in healthcare settings.


  • Identify key aspects of healthcare leadership
  • Discuss how these principles apply to healthcare leadership.
  • Demonstrate effective decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
  • Evaluate team performance indicators and set goals.
  • Identify common challenges in healthcare management.
  • Apply innovation and change management principles in healthcare.
  • Analyze real-world examples of leadership excellence in healthcare.


Participants will demonstrate improved leadership competencies, resulting in enhanced organizational effectiveness, higher staff engagement, and improved patient outcomes within their respective healthcare settings.

Target Audience

All professions Medicals


  • Nabil Abdullah Y Osayri

    Laboratory Science

    Laboratory Quality Management