medical students in saudi arabia
medical students in saudi arabia
medical students in saudi arabia
medical students in saudi arabia

Data Analysis Skills and Performance Index in Healthcare

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100 SREstimated Price

SCHSSaudi Commission for Health Specialties

18 continuing medical education hours


National e-learning center logo
18 CMEOnlineCertificateLectureEnglishالعربية

Event content


  • Define the concepts of data statistics and related administration concepts
  • Identify the health care system and how can be used during data analysis and how to make sure the legality, ethicality, and privacy of patient data
  • Explain how to improving data statistics in health care field and how improves the performance.
  • Clarify the role of data statics during epidemiology and sampling technique.
  • Describe the statics processes (analysis, validation, sampling, collection, designing, proper tools, display, monitoring, display and interpret)
  • Identify the relationship and role between technology in data science and healthcare
  • Differentiate between descriptive and Inferential Statistics and measurement tools for each one


  • Identify the basics concepts and terms of data statistics
  •  Identify how to improving the skills and knowledge on the institution by using data analysis.
  • Explain how to use the data in proper way to improvement.
  •  Illustrate how display data on the different methods methods depending on the type of data
  • Clarify the importance of the privacy of patient data

Target Audience

All professions Medicals


  • abdelkarim salem helail salem


    Family Medicine

  • Mahmoud Usama Sabry


    General Practitioners

  • Mutasim Mohamed Ali Hakim

    Healthcare & Hospitals

    Quality Management