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Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections ModernStrategies.

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SCHSSaudi Commission for Health Specialties

3 continuing medical education hours


National e-learning center logo
3 CMEOnlineCertificateAsynchronousEnglishالعربية

Event content


  • Identify the key risk factors contributing to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).
  • Analyze epidemiological data to determine the most common infection patterns in healthcare facilities.
  • Implement best practices to enhance hand hygiene and reduce infection transmission among patients.
  • Develop evidence-based plans and preventive procedures to address healthcare-associated infections.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of modern prevention strategies through infection case reviews and performance reports.

Main Theme

Unit 1: Introduction to Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

• Definition of healthcare-associated infections and their significance.

• Global and local statistics on the impact of healthcare-associated infections.

• Factors influencing the spread of infections within healthcare facilities.

Unit 2: Factors Influencing Healthcare-Associated Infections

• Sources of infection (patients, medical equipment, healthcare staff).

• Role of medical devices such as intravenous and respiratory catheters.

• Impact of healthcare facility design on infection transmission.

• Real-life examples of risk factors, such as improper sterilization of medical equipment and catheter use.

Unit 3: Evidence-Based Infection Prevention Strategies

• Hand hygiene protocols.

• Cleaning and disinfecting the medical environment (rooms, equipment, surfaces).

• Modern disinfection techniques such as ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection.

Unit 4: Use of Modern Technology in Infection Prevention

• Digital infection surveillance systems.

• Robots used for disinfection and cleaning.

• Data analysis tools for identifying patterns and preventive interventions.

Unit 5: Designing Effective Infection Prevention Programs

• Practical steps for developing an infection control program.

• Engaging healthcare teams in the implementation of preventive programs.

• Measuring performance and analyzing results to improve preventive programs.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to understand healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and their impact, identify key factors influencing infection spread, implement evidence-based prevention strategies, utilize modern technologies in infection control, and design effective infection prevention programs tailored to their healthcare settings.


  • Marwa Salah Ahmed Osman

    Laboratory Science

    Microbiology Laboratory