medical students in saudi arabia

Improving health care quality and patient safety

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74 SREstimated Price

SCHSSaudi Commission for Health Specialties

6 continuing medical education hours


National e-learning center logo
6 CMEOnlineCertificateLectureEnglishالعربية

Event content


We identified a learning gap among participants in Improving health care quality and patient safety, attributed to several factors:

  •  Lack of understanding of quality improvement methodologies and tools among healthcare professionals.
  • Difficulty in identifying and prioritizing areas for improvement within complex healthcare systems
  • Challenges in addressing cultural barriers and hierarchical structures that may impede open communication and reporting of errors
  • Challenges in engaging frontline staff and fostering a sense of ownership and accountability for patient safety
  • Limited access to current and reliable evidence-based resourc


  • analyze the components of a patient safety culture within their institution.
  • identify areas for improvement within their practice or institution.
  • implement strategies to promote a culture of safety, leading to an increase in reported near misses and a decrease in adverse events.
  • develop policies and procedures aimed at promoting a culture of safety within their healthcare institution.
  • evaluate the impact of open communication strategies on patient outcomes and satisfaction.
  • assess the impact of effective interprofessional communication on patient outcomes and experiences.
  • evaluate the impact of evidence-based practice on patient outcomes and experiences.


By the end of this event, the learners will be able to:Identify areas for improvement within healthcare processes and systems

  • Recognize the key components of a patient safety culture
  • Creating a Culture of Safety within Healthcare Organizations
  • Involve patients in decision
  • making processes regarding their care and treatment options
  • Understand the principles of evidence-based practice.

Target Audience

All professions Medicals


  • Ruaa mujahed alfaraj

    Emergency Medical Services

    Emergency Medical Services